Lawyer Marash Logu, defending in the Constitutional Court the case against the government’s decision

The session at the Constitutional Court on the lawsuit of the DP group against the government’s VKM for the confiscation of properties was accompanied by debates. PD MPs demand its repeal and declare that this VKM is a violation of the law

“VKM is against the Constitution. It violates the equality of citizens before the law”, stated Bardhi.

On the other hand, the representative of the government has started the maneuvers so that this issue is not taken into consideration by issuing claims about the number of signatory deputies. According to her, two deputies who signed the request for the Constitution, Grida Duma and Alfred Rushaj are no longer deputies, which means that there are only 26 signatory deputies. But Gazment Bardhi said that the 28 signatories were MPs when they signed.

“The request was submitted by 28 deputies, at the moment when the Constitutional Court was set in motion.
So the 28 signatories were MPs at the time they signed. Ms. Duma and Mr. Rushaj were MPs when they signed.
With this logic, it follows that if the President of the Republic sets the Constitutional Court in motion, and if he decides that his mandate ends, or dies, it is up to him to close the case. No sense. At the moment when this request was signed, 28 deputies had this function”, reasoned Bardhi.

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